Time to put your Slush machine away …. Or is it?

Time to put your Slush Machine away …

Or is it?

Editorial by Joe Campbell who has 12 years experience in the Industry

Each year it is becoming more and more common to see slush machines on all year round but 8% of SnowShock retailers are still turning their money printing machine off for the Winter. This is CRAZY!

I needed to understand why these retailers are not following the trend and making this mistake – so I got out my note-pad and pen during 2017/2018 and asked. This is what I found.

“It is too cold to sell slush, sales have slowed down”           “Our Christmas stock has arrived”

“Electricity cost is not justifiable with low sales volume”


These reasons sound perfectly valid but with 92% of our customer base (the majority) leaving the machines on I had to do a bit more digging to fond out if the statements really are valid. So I have calculated the numbers, carried out some research and really got my head down in order to finally answer the question ‘Should I put my slush machine away for Winter?’ *


‘Electricity Bill’


After speaking to retailers I found that many believe that slush machines ‘guzzle’ electricity therefore it being a false economy keeping the machine on during the Winter. When I asked how much is it costing them to run each day they did not know! So I found out.


First of all, SnowShock machines are the most economical on the market when compared like for like. Our most popular machine cost less than 73 pence a day to run translating to selling 1 cup a day and you still make a profit.**


image missing – see joe 

staff folder Electricity cost 


As you can see the idea that slush machines cost you a lot to run is a myth.


“Some of our customers turn their machine off when the consistency is at the correct thickness and turn it back on if it gets too thick or when they need to pour a servicing in a bid to save the electricity. This is a false economy as our machines are self regulating. You should leave it on and turn it off when not in use for a long period of time” – Pete, Service Engineer


‘The weather has changed’


Yes the UK temperature drops in the Winter, fact. You will sell a higher volume in the Summer months, fact. Kids want their favourite soft drink all year round, FACT! We asked the end user “Would you buy an ice cold slush drink in November?”. 100% of participants agreed “Yes, although not as much when compared to summer”


So what I conclude here is yes you will sell less slush during Winter but the demand is still very much there.

‘Christmas Stock’


Sales of Christmas cards, wrapping paper, small toys and even medicine increase during Winter in convenience stores. These are the items retailers told me that they put in place of their slush machine, yet none of these items POR are anywhere near 80%.


Making space else-where is what the majority of our customers do to cater for these items. Some make their slush machines more festive by adding some tinsel or requesting some Christmas themed from us.




To maximise slush sales during the Winter you need to increase the presence of the product and actively push it and you wont be let down.


Hints & Tips – Proven


  1. Increase POS – our standard range of POS is free of charge and available all year round. Request a full pack or request your favourite poster in what ever quantity you need. We can also provide you with Christmas/Snowy themed POS which are made in house. You can also purchase a pavement sign or window graphics to fully embrace the brand.
  2. Halloween promo – each year we offer Halloween themed slush. We give you free giveaways and spooky POS to help entice your customers. This is a tried and proven promo.
  3. Loyalty card scheme – we can provide you with POS, loyalty cards and stamper free at anytime. The customer must purchase 9 slush to get the 10th free. Great for keeping the punters coming during the Winter.




This brings me to the end of this report and I hope it was an interesting read for all.


What this has shown us at SnowShock is if your slush is selling then keep the machine on! Sales will be slower – if you are struggling to sell 1 every 2 days then put the machine away until next season and give it a fresh start. If you follow the trend and keep it out then don’t be shy in pushing the product.


Happy Holidays and a fantastic New Year to you all.


*Statistics generated from in house market research. SnowShock panel – local youth sports team(s) who participate in MR

** Avergate operation cost calculated by using national average business rates figure being used for 8 consecutive hours